
Hi! I'm Cassie

Actress, singer, writer, poet, artist, and general thinker.

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Rest, Play and How Does Your Rhythm Flow

Why hello there Reader, it’s been a good couple of months since I last wrote, so I hope that I find you well? What News? Our brilliant PA has been off work for a while, and we have therefore been navigating life without any real support for most of this year so far. It’s been ok, but hard, and it often takes the shift in circumstances to realise just how much something was helping. Pete and I have found that where our energy-tanks were beginning to fill (slowly but steadily), we have...

4 days ago • 4 min read

Hi there, you wonderful gift of a human, Reader! I hope that this email finds you well, and that you have been having some creative adventures this week. Mine has been more of a ticking along and pondering kind of week, but there has been some creativity and lots of cuddles and connection with the kids, so that has been lovely. AI vs Human Artistry Quino Al - via Upsplash This last week I had my first explore/play with ChatGPT. This is something I have so far avoided, for multiple reasons -...

3 months ago • 5 min read

Why hello there lovely Reader,I hope this email finds you well? What News? We have been enjoying the glorious weather here in the South of England, and simultaneously struggling with the heat - especially our eldest son. It has therefore been both beautiful and stressful here over the past three or so weeks.We managed to have our living room painted and carpets cleaned. There has been much playing with water, hammock action.And I recently bought a load of foamy, square mats and outdoor rugs,...

11 months ago • 4 min read

Hey Reader, I hope you have had a good week? In the time it has taken me to write this email to you, we have had sunshine, torrential rain, and a hailstorm - pretty dramatic for the beginning of May! Anyhow, I am hoping for an end to what has felt like the wettest Winter and early Spring in a looooong time, and whilst I don't want the heat to be too hot, I still boldly cry"Bring on the Summer!" Growing - without getting the bends. When you are deep-diving into something new, especially...

about 1 year ago • 3 min read

Hi lovely Reader, and welcome to the first Connect, Create, Resonate of 2023! I'm aware that I’ve been quiet on here over the past month or so, but I've still been thinking of you and how you are doing. So, how are you, and how was your Christmas? Sometimes you simply need to take your own advice and HIT PAUSE. I have had some challenging relational stuff to navigate, you know - the stuff of life, but the energy taken up by the pain and sadness of it all has used a lot of my emotional and...

over 1 year ago • 3 min read

Hi Reader, It's been a couple of weeks since I last wrote to you, how have you been? What News? About a month or so ago, I managed to have a road accident and total our Toyota (am I am enjoying the alliteration there? 100%). It was entirely my fault, and thank God everyone was fine - although sadly neither my car, nor the car of the woman I inadvertently tried to ram off the roundabout, survived. Honestly, I'm a really excellent driver! But it got me thinking about how we are all vulnerable...

over 1 year ago • 2 min read

Why hello there October, and hello Readerto you! Are you in the same kind of playful denial I am, about the way the year is flying past at the speed of light? I swear everytime payday rolls around and I am back to burying my head in our family budget, I feel a slight sense of wonder and have to stave off the sense of nervousness that we haven't managed to save much at all towards Christmas. Ah well. Because I don't know about you, but I definitely start THINKING about present ideas at this...

over 1 year ago • 5 min read

Hey Reader, Why do you do what you do? I don't mean Reader, why do you always use the same mug for your morning cup of tea - but more 'what is it that drives you to keep plugging away at your business/job/relationship/family life'? Because understanding your why is what helps you to dig deep when things are tough. It helps you to trust the process and be confident that the pursuit is worthwhile, even if you aren't entirely sure what you are hoping for. Knowing the deepest root of your why,...

over 1 year ago • 5 min read

Hey Reader, It's been a strange couple of weeks here in the UK - new prime minister; death of Queen Elizabeth II; massive queues to pay tribute to her as she lay in state; protesters being silenced, albeit in a slightly confused manner; witnessing a highly visible family navigate their grief and commitment to calling; and along with the good old English favourite of changeable weather - there has been lots to process and talk about. I, like many people, have complex feelings and thoughts...

over 1 year ago • 2 min read

Welcome to April’s newsletter, Easter is here and in the UK so it seems is Spring at last.Things have been quiet on the blog and the podcast lately, as I have been dealing with levels of exhaustion and the need to reassess my direction forward once again.As always, lots and nothing seems to have happened in my life this past month. My paternal grandmother died at aged 98, I have planted some spring flowers, played with my family, been climbing again, got sick, minecrafted and rested lots.The...

about 2 years ago • 5 min read
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